How Offering Pre-Order Impacts E-commerce Fashion Brands



Offering Pre-order has become an increasingly popular strategy for e-commerce fashion brands. This approach allows customers to reserve items before they are officially released or restocked. While pre-ordering offers several benefits, it also comes with some challenges. In this blog post, we’ll explore the pros and cons of offering pre-order and what fashion brands should consider before implementing this strategy.

The Benefits of Offering Pre-Order

Increased Cash Flow

One of the main advantages of pre-orders is the positive impact on cash flow. When customers pre-order items, they often pay upfront or make a deposit. This influx of funds can help brands manage production costs and improve cash flow.

Demand Forecasting

Pre-orders provide valuable insights into customer demand. By tracking the number of pre-orders, brands can gauge the popularity of certain products and adjust their inventory and production accordingly. This can lead to more accurate inventory management and reduce the risk of overstocking or understocking.

Building Hype and Exclusivity

Pre-order campaigns can generate excitement and buzz around a new product launch. By promoting the pre-order period, brands can create a sense of urgency and exclusivity, encouraging customers to act quickly to secure their items. This can boost brand awareness and attract new customers.

Customer Commitment

Customers who pre-order are typically more committed to the purchase, reducing the likelihood of returns and cancellations. This commitment can lead to a more predictable sales forecast and improved inventory planning.

The Drawbacks of Offering Pre-Order

Potential Delays

One of the significant challenges of pre-orders is the potential for production and shipping delays. If a brand is unable to meet the expected delivery date, it can lead to customer dissatisfaction and damage the brand’s reputation. Effective communication and managing customer expectations are crucial to mitigating this risk.

Inventory Management Challenges

While pre-orders can help with demand forecasting, they also add complexity to inventory management. Brands need to balance pre-order inventory with regular stock, ensuring that pre-ordered items do not negatively impact the availability of other products.

Increased Administrative Work

Handling pre-orders requires additional administrative efforts, such as tracking pre-order payments, managing customer communications, and updating inventory systems. This can be time-consuming and may require additional resources.

Customer Patience

Pre-ordering requires customers to wait longer for their items compared to standard purchases. This wait can test customer patience and may result in cancellations if the wait time is perceived as too long. Clear communication about expected delivery times is essential to maintain customer satisfaction.

Considerations for Implementing Pre-Order

Transparent Communication

Clear and transparent communication is vital for a successful pre-order strategy. Brands should provide detailed information about the expected delivery dates, production timelines, and any potential delays. Regular updates can help keep customers informed and reduce anxiety about their orders.

Reliable Production and Fulfilment Partners

Working with reliable production and fulfilment partners is crucial to ensure timely delivery of pre-ordered items. Brands should establish strong relationships with their suppliers and logistics providers to minimize the risk of delays.

Customer Support

Offering robust customer support is essential to address any concerns or issues that may arise during the pre-order period. Providing multiple channels for customer inquiries and ensuring timely responses can enhance the overall customer experience.

Flexible Payment Options

Providing flexible payment options, such as deposits or installment plans, can make pre-ordering more attractive to customers. This approach can also reduce the financial burden on customers while ensuring their commitment to the purchase.


Offering pre-order can be a powerful strategy for ecommerce fashion brands, providing benefits such as increased cash flow, better demand forecasting, and heightened brand awareness. However, it also comes with challenges, including potential delays, inventory management complexities, and increased administrative work. By carefully considering these factors and implementing best practices, brands can successfully leverage pre-orders to drive growth and enhance customer satisfaction.